Its World Book Day 2023 02 Mar 2023
ITS WORLD BOOK DAY, Who doesn`t love reading and writing? 4 Years ago Eve from Squad 2 won the BBC 500 Words competition. She wrote the best book she could and won - Outstanding achievement then and now #BeTheBestYouCanBe
Swim England North West Summer Regionals 2023 23 Feb 2023
The Swim England North West Summer Regional Championships will be held at Liverpool Aquatics Centre on the following dates: 25th March and 26th March 2023 29th April and 30th April 2023 13th May and 14th May 2023
Young Volunteer Award 13 Feb 2023
We use the Young Volunteer Award as a stepping stone for our athletes into teaching and coaching within aquatics.
Swim England's Big Swim Day 12 Feb 2023
Swim England’s members plus affiliated clubs and swim schools are being encouraged to show a wave of support on a nationwide day to celebrate ‘much-loved’ pools.
Off The Blocks 09 Feb 2023
British Swimming’s catalogue of aquatics learning resources have a new home, with coaches, teachers, parents and swimmers invited to join the refreshed Speedo Off the Blocks platform for continued access to archived content and new uploads.
BAY FUSION IS HERE!! 01 Aug 2022
Lancaster City and Carnforth Otters are excited to be hosting our first level 3 invitational meet: The Bay Fusion. We have invited a number of local clubs to join us on the 2nd of October for what we hope to be a fun filled event, with stunning medals for the first three placings and ribbons for places 4-6, spot prizes and music! Closing dates for entries will be 11th September 2022 accepted on a first received basis. We would be grateful if clubs can also support us with officials, do let us know of any volunteers! We hope to accommodate training needs wherever possible and will provide volunteers with lunch on the day. Thank you for taking the time to consider joining us. We look forward to seeing you there.
Website updated 12 Jul 2022
Check out the new look website - it's still taking shape but it is now connected to SCM to provide an integrated source of information for members.