We are a friendly and relaxed club but we are also competitive with a focus on helping each swimmer and water polo player develop their ability to the fullest in all the main strokes and skills. If you are interested in swimming or water polo for LASWPC we will need to first assess your abilities at a trial swim and/or water polo session. At the session, the coach will have you swim laps using various strokes to determine your abilities and for water polo look at the basic fundamental skills of sculling and eggbeater kick. From this we will make a recommendation on the training programme that fits your current swimming or water polo skills and ability.

If there is space available within the ability level the coach recommends, you will be asked to complete the required forms and organise to pay the membership fees and set-up the monthly subscription fees in order to join the club.

For a FREE trial session contact us to organise a suitable time. Please note that trial sessions are strictly by appointment. To book your trial click here

Club membership is renewed on an annual basis and consists of an annual membership fee plus monthly training cost.  Please find below details of our updated annual membership and monthly training fees for 2024.


Annual Membership Fees 2025

When joining Lancaster City Amateur Swimming And Water Polo athletes are asked to pay an annual membership fee of £59 which runs from January to December each year.  If your athlete is under 16 years of age this also includes one parent which we use as a point of contact for the club and athlete, this parent will also be registered with Swim England as a Club Support Member. 

Our annual membership cost is designed to help our club;

  • Pool hire and general running costs associated to Competitive Swimming and Water Polo. E.g. Entry fees for leagues.
  • The Mandatory costs of membership to Swim England, Swim North West and Lancs County for each athlete, including insurance and training opportunities.
  • Supports funding for training of volunteers, training equipment and social events.


Complete List Of Yearly Membership Fees

Athlete - £59 Per Person - All Disciplines 

Active Club Support Yearly Membership - free

-Roles Included Are Coach/Teacher, Team Managers, Officials And Other Roles That Support The Club As Agreed By The Committee.

Club Life / Honorary Members (Non Active) - £15

- Club Life / Honorary (Non Active) Members are required to pay £15 for Club Voting Rights at the AGM 

Additional Parent / Family Member (Non Active) - £25

- Additional members will be enrolled with Swim England as a Club Support Member and have voting rights at the AGM


By joining Lancaster City Amateur Swimming And Water Polo you will be enrolled onto SwimClub Manager, which is used by the club to hold membership details and other data. 

Monthly Training Fees for 2025

Each Athlete is charged a monthly training fee.  These fees are calculated over a 12-month period taking into account potential breaks/reduction in training – e.g. at Christmas and Summer breaks. Fees are not based directly on pool time allocation and we strive to keep them as competitive as possible.

 Learn to Compete

1 session per week (small pool - Sundays) £20 per month

 Competitive Development

1 session per week (Sundays) £25 per month

Multiple sessions per week – £40 a month

 Water Polo Juniors 

Juniors  - 1 session per week (Thursday only) £25 per month

Seniors – 1 session per week £25 per month

Multiple sessions per week – £40 a month

 Swim Squads 1 - 6

Multiple sessions per week – £40 a month

** Please note that with agreement from your coach, multiple sessions can be made up from a combination of swimming and water polo sessions. This must be agreed in advance. 


As a family friendly, competitive swim club we have introduced an Athlete Family discount on our monthly training fees.  If there is more than one athlete member of Lancaster City Amateur Swimming And Water Polo Club we will discount the 2nd and subsequent athletes training fee by 10% per month  - The discounts will be applied to the athlete with the lowest training fee(s) first.


Payment of Membership and Monthly Training Fees

This year we are moving to a new system for fees where all annual and monthly fees will be collected via Direct Debit using Go Cardless. 


Membership, Training fees and Entry to club events will be invoiced and collected via Go Cardless - Should membership lapse or payment is late the club may suspend access to training and events.