How to Volunteer                             

Our club can only run on a stable, long-term basis with the help of volunteers. Those volunteers support a number of areas that helps us to:-

  • Attend our programme of meets throughout the season
  • Manage the Club effectively through Committees and working groups
  • Complete Club admin including the website and social networks and
  • Arrange social events, provide a Club Shop and raise funds

We always need new volunteers to come forwards and we would appreciate you giving a little of your time to help us and spread the workload.  Whether you can spare an hour a week or an hour a day, your time will really make a difference to us.

There are many different roles to suit your skills, from teaching, coaching or officiating to designing the website, fundraising or ordering kit for the club. 

Of course, there are many reasons not to volunteer:

  1. My son / daughter is not competing in that event
  2. I don't know where to start
  3. I am nervous about being an official
  4. I am too busy
  5. I already pay my athletes squad fees, that should be enough.

There is an imbalance at the moment with some parents putting in 100hrs plus of volunteering every year just to keep Lancaster City Amateur Swimming And Water Polo running effectively. We also rely on a number of people who no longer swim themselves and no longer have children swimming with us.

We would like more volunteers to come forwards and get involved in the Club. It is rewarding to put something back and it helps you, as a parent, to get much closer to the sport that your children enjoy participating in.

Application and Training

All volunteers will be considered on their merits for the role they have volunteered to undertake.  As a club we must safeguard the swimmers and to that end training ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ will be arranged.  Additionally a Disclosure And Barring Service (DBS) certificate will be undertaken by Lancaster City in conjunction with Swim England within 6 weeks of a volunteer confirming interest.  Should the enhanced disclosure reveal an offence considered by the National Governing Body & Lancaster City to pose any potential threat to those involved in the club, Lancaster City`s Committee retains the right to decline their offer of assistance or to offer an alternative appropriate role.

Once accepted as a volunteer for Lancaster City appropriate training will be discussed with the individual and arranged where appropriate. The training will depend on the role selected.

There may be a requirement for particular roles to attend courses arranged by Lancaster City or other clubs within travelling distance, shadow an individual for a period of time, work under the lead of another, etc. Lancaster City will support volunteers undertaking training with the cost of course fees through direct financial assistance.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Lancaster City values the work undertaken by volunteers but also recognises that there needs to be a standard applied to the various roles.

All volunteers will be asked to sign a Code of Conduct that outlines the expected behaviours and this will be used as the basis for monitoring performance. Volunteers will be accountable to specific individuals/post holders or Office Bearers as agreed when the volunteer application was accepted. These individuals/post holders/Office Bearers will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating performance and providing feedback to the volunteer. Lancaster City`s Committee will have the final decision in any areas of disagreement or conflict following the rules set out in the clubs Constitution.


Lancaster City is keen that volunteers enjoy the role they are undertaking and recognise that if they are happy and feel that the work they do for the club is valued they will stay. However, sometimes an individuals situation changes and so does their ability to commit to their current role, often this leads to severing links with the club as they give up the role. The monitoring & evaluation process above provides an opportunity for volunteers to say how they feel, gives a point of contact for individual to raise concerns and to explore the alternatives available – including the possibility of moving to another role or activity within the club.

Club Documents

Volunteer Application Form


Roles Available At Lancaster City



Young Volunteer Programme

Lancaster City encourages our younger athletes to support on poolside.  We use this as a steppingstone into volunteering in later life and possibly a career within aquatics.

The YVA is designed to provide young Swim England Members, aged between 14-17 the opportunity to improve their knowledge, skills and experiences within Aquatic Sport.  The experiences gained from this award can be used to enhance CVs and support University, Job or Apprenticeship applications.  The course will allow Young Volunteers (YV) to gain experience in a variety of volunteering roles within their Club whilst broadening their knowledge and skills of the numerous volunteering roles available within Aquatic sport.

If your athlete is interested in enrolling onto the YVA programme please speak Vicki Sweet on poolside and register using the following link with Swim England North West